Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Shoulder to Cry On

Uncontrollable sobbing
Wild heart throbbing
The anguish - soul stopping.
A shoulder to cry on.
Floods of tears
Unquieted fears
Distressed weeping piercing ears.
A shoulder to cry on.
Buried by sorrow
No hope for tomorrow
Seismic anger equivalent to Kilimanjaro.
A shoulder to cry on.
Agonizing pain
Yet can't contain
Overwhelming emotional drain.
 A shoulder to cry on.
Leather Book
Take a look
Holding onto a shepherd's hook.
 A shoulder to cry on.
Forgiveness. Mercy. Grace.
Death on a cross, took my place.
Empty tomb. My sins - erased.
A shoulder to cry on.
Despite this world's decay
He's worthy of my praise
For all my mortal days.
A shoulder to cry on.
So when your world's at war
And you can't hold on anymore
Let Him be your:
© -D. Snow