Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I love my Job!

Tonight as I showered... my mind wandered over just what my "job" in life is, and as I so often find, the Holy Spirit jumped in and ran away with my thoughts, showing me just who I am. It's a bit overwhelming!


I am the daughter of the One True King.


Let's just take a moment and think about that. If I'm the daughter of a king, then...I am by all rights a Princess! And...if I am a princess, just what exactly does that mean? I'm sure that you, like me, immediately think of the royalty we see here on this earth, the "royal families" that fill our modern world, or even the royal families that have existed over the generations. Let's take a look at what some of the world's definitions of a princess are:

prin·cess [ prínsəss ]

1. royal woman or girl: a woman or girl in a royal family, especially a daughter of the reigning king or queen

2. prince's wife: the wife or widow of a prince

3. female ruler: a woman who rules a principality

Here's the definition I like best: archaic: a woman having sovereign power

Now, just let me say...I'm not drawn to that last definition because I'm seeking "power". All too often our power as females are drawn for wrong purposes. That's not where I'm headed with the thought at all. But rather...what power do I have in Christ? If I am the daughter of the King, what power does that give me?

Then I must ask myself, what exactly is expected of a princess? Royalty is always in the public's eye. The media goes wild for that exclusive glance into the private life of a princess. Nothing about a princess' life is hidden or secret.

A princess is a very involved life, reaching out to charities, making constant appearances at social functions.

But, here's a fact about being a princess that I bet you didn't really stop and think about before: The greatest duty of a princess is producing the next heir to the throne.


Wait. Let it sink in.


The greatest duty of a princess is producing the next heir to the throne.


Oh my GOODNESS!! As I'm looking into just who I am in Christ, the Holy Spirit reminds me that I'm the daughter of the King, making me a Princess...and then just like a lightning bolt from the sky as I study just what a princess is, I'm shocked into the realization that my "job" is to be a MOM. If I ever questioned God's purpose for my life, I question it no more! Now, don't misunderstand me, I realize that the Heavenly Father doesn't call all women to be mothers, and I'm not trying to make that claim as I'm writing. This is about my personal walk with our Lord, and the enormity of this reality is making my heart swell to capacity! And if my job is to raise an heir to the throne, then I must give everything I have to teaching my children about the royalty they have been born into. As in: TEACH THEM ABOUT CHRIST!! "Has not the Lord made them one? In flesh and spirit they are his. And why one? Because he was seeking godly offspring." Malachi 2:15


Now, I kinda skipped over one very important part of this picture, and it isn't a piece of the puzzle that can be ignored. If being a Princess means I am to produce an heir to the throne, then I need a husband! That means...one of my other "jobs" is to be a wife. What an honorable position!! And while we're speaking of royalty, I *love* this verse: "A wife of noble character is her husband's crown..." Proverbs 12:4. I could write a whole book just trying to describe what it means to be a noble wife to my husband, but for sake of time I will shorten my thoughts only to just how seriously I take this part of God's calling for me. This job as "wife" doesn't just include my earthly husband. This is a piece of this princess picture that gives me tingles. Not only do I gain this prestigious position as princess by being the daughter of the King, but I am also Christ's bride! Think about that definition of princess: the daughter of a reigning king, or a prince's wife.  Oh how my heart soars at this! I am the bride of the Prince of Peace!


So a quick recap of my "job" as a Princess:

          I'm the daughter of the One True King.


          I am a wife, the "bride" of the Prince of Peace, and the Ezer         Kenegdo (Genesis 2:18) to my earthly husband. (Such a    cool word, very poorly translated in our Bibles as the    "helper or help-meet"...I like the translation of "lifesaver"    so much better! Thank you Stasi Eldredge for such an    intimate look into God's creation of women in the book



          I am a mother, to raise an heir to the throne!


I mentioned earlier that a princess is expected to be involved in charities and seen at social functions. I bet you never really thought about a princess as a servant. What a beautiful picture this draws as the Holy Spirit continues to illuminate for me the life He has given me! As a princess, and as a follower of Christ, I am called to serve others. I love this verse as a reminder: "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve..." Mark 10:45 Being a princess doesn't mean I get to sit on a throne and have people wait on me hand and foot. No, it means I am the one out serving those around me, shining Christ's light for all those around me to see.


I want to close with one last thought. I want to go back to the definition of a princess that says: a woman having sovereign power. As I prayed and asked the Lord to show me just when the greatest "power" comes, my answer was SUBMISSION. When I am submissive to Christ, allowing Him to have full control of my life, only then does He have the room to work. Think of all the times the Bible talks about being submissive.


"Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you." Job 22:21.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

"Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord." Ephesians 5:22

"Submit yourselves then to God. Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you." James 4:7


...and I could go on and on. When I submit to Christ, He becomes more and more in my life. Sovereign power in my life as a princess? Why yes, His name is CHRIST.


So just what IS my job?




...wonder how that would be received by employers on my resume?!




Psalm 45:9 "Daughters of kings are among your honored women..."



Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Labor Lessons

Lessons can be learned in all sorts of places, in all kinds of circumstances. Sometimes lessons come discreetly through mundane situations, while others come in the middle of a trial or intense tribulation. It doesn't matter how the lesson comes, rather...what do we do with the lesson once it's learned?


On January 3rd, 2013, around 2:30pm, a contraction wracked my pregnant body with pain. This was nothing new, I'd been having contractions for weeks on end, and many days of constant contractions, even trips to the hospital and doctor's office thinking surely it was "the day". This contraction was much the same, and yet... deep down inside I knew that this time was the beginning of the real thing. Sometime during the 7pm hour, I made the decision that it was time to go to the hospital. The contractions had finally started to progress, and I was getting very uncomfortable. We checked in to the hospital at 9pm that evening, and thus began the last few hours of our journey to finally meet our daughter!


I will spare you the details of just how bad this labor was, but during the course of giving birth; I learned an invaluable lesson. The epidural I was given to numb my body of the pain didn't work properly, and as contraction after contraction seized my exhausted frame, I slowly lost the ability to control what was happening. I began what is known as "the labor shakes" and with each contraction my body would violently convulse in shaking so severe I was nearly moving the whole hospital bed. My dear husband by my side, holding me through the worst, it was all I could do to focus on breathing. With additional medication, my body decided to hand me another blow; I reacted to the medication and started throwing up. My body was reaching its limit, and yet; I still had a job to do! My daughter wasn't in our arms yet! Before the additional medication took effect and calmed my body down; I reached the lowest point I have ever been. I couldn't do it on my own anymore. I looked at Eric in sheer desperation. He knew what I was saying with my eyes. When we talked about it later, he shared with me how he saw in that moment the horror in my eyes that said "I can't do this". As I laid there unable to move thanks to the epidural that numbed my upper body instead of my lower body... I let go. I let the horror of that labor take over my body. I couldn't ease myself through each contraction anymore, I couldn't help by breathing or focusing. I just let go, and no longer tried to fight the shaking that left every muscle in my body weak with exhaustion. In those next few minutes I could no longer even pray but to cry in my heart "Oh God" with each breath. As I let go, I let myself fall into the Cheif Physician's arms... A peace washed over me like I have never experienced before. I felt the warmth of the Holy Spirit's presence wrap around me. The nurses had left the room for a little while, and it was just my hubby and me. I opened my eyes and for the first time in those last few hours I could be the one to reassure the man I loved so much. He felt the change too. I whispered to him that God was holding me. I could feel Christ right there. In that moment, I committed my body, my life, my daughter, my everything; into the hands of our Savior. No...the pain of labor didn't stop. The violent shaking didn't go away. In fact, I threw up worse after that amazing encounter with my Heavenly Father than I had before. But the peace that held my heart got me through those last few hours of labor. And at 2:44am, January 4th, 2013, the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen was placed upon my chest! Abigail Valerie was finally with us!


That was nearly 4 weeks ago as I sit and write this blog. And today as I struggled through getting a toddler down for his nap, and cleaning up the puke from my infant as she lost her full tummy of fresh milk; my back hurting so badly I can barely function, I felt the Lord's gentle reminder of that encounter in our hospital room. And the Holy Spirit gently nudged me and asked, "What would life look like, if at every difficult moment, I could just let go and rest in the Savior's arms?"


Can I really let go like I did while I was in labor? Can I trust my God enough with every moment of life and fall into the protection of His arms...and just stay there? What would the peace in my heart accomplish if I let Him so completely envelop me with His love?


Carry Me

by Josh Wilson


I try to catch my breath
It hasn't happened yet
I'm wide awake in the middle of the night scared to death
So I prayed God, would You make this stop
Father please hold on to me, You're all I've got

Carry me, carry me, carry me now
From my sinking sand to Your solid ground
The only way I'm ever gonna make it out
Is if You carry me, carry me, carry me now
God carry me, carry me, carry me now

Jesus calm my heart
Come near me please
Lord don't let these worries get the best of me
Oh I believe, that You're still here with me
Cause You meant what You said when You said You'd never leave

Carry me, carry me, carry me now
From my sinking sand to Your solid ground
The only way I'm ever gonna make it out
Is if You carry me, carry me, carry me now
God carry me, carry me, carry me now

Carry me
God carry me
Carry me
God carry me

I'm at the end of myself
I know I've got nothing left
Feels like I'm stuck in the valley of the shadow of death
And I've been down here so long
I just can't find my way out
Oh God I don't stand a chance
Unless You carry me now
God carry me now

Carry me, carry me, carry me now
From my sinking sand to Your solid ground
The only way I'm ever gonna make it out
Is if You carry me, carry me, carry me now
God carry me, carry me, carry me now

Carry me now
Carry me now
Carry me now
Carry me now