Friday, November 30, 2012

When Faith is Hard...

So what do you do when you trust God with all you have, believing He will provide, and time and time again everything around you comes crashing down?

How do you deal with constant disappointments? How do you continue believing that God will meet your needs when doors appear open before you and just as you put your foot across the threshold; BAM ... the door slams shut. You stepped forward in faith, you sought God's will, and time after time the very thing you hoped would help turn life around falls flat and instead your circumstances have become more dire.

I need answers. My usually rock-solid faith has suffered so severely these last few months that I'm reaching the point where giving up looks like the best option. I've reached the point where faith feels like a set-up for extreme hurt. I've watched expectantly, excitedly, as I thought God was moving, only to see circumstance after circumstance turn out the exact opposite of my hopes.

Today was my last blow. It's not something I can talk about freely, but just another issue in what has become a list so long I'm shaking in bewilderment that once again I'm bawling my eyes out and screaming "why" at God... instead of singing praises for His provisions.

And here comes Christmas, a new baby to be born, and not one bit of hope that we will even be able to continue to afford to have a roof over our heads to keep her and my precious toddler safe.

So...what would YOU do?

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