Or...is it more appropriate to say "The Great Commission - Except Your Homeland..."
Ok, forgive me, I'm going to rant a bit. This is a subject that has tweaked me my whole life, and then I came across something this week that rekindled my irate side; hence my current state of mind. So...bear with me. I know I'm likely going to tick someone off, probably going to have people disagree, and likely there will be a few who will point out why I should think differently; but that's ok! If my thinking is off, by all means, take me to the Scriptures that prove me wrong!
The Great Commission: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20
Pretty straightforward. Disciples of all nations. Key word: ALL.
When I stop and think about missions, I think of all the countries our churches have entered to spread the Gospel. I think of all the wonderful things that have been done for so many people, churches planted, schools started. Missionaries who have given their lives to reach people who have never heard of Christ. It is humbling to realize just how immense the impact has been spreading the Good News. I have visions of precious little children gathered around a missionary, all smiles lighting their adorable faces. I think of countless stories of lives changed. Tears run down my cheeks as I think about the Kingdom growing, as these locals who have a newfound faith in God spread their joy to their countrymen.
Got the warm fuzzies yet? (sorry for the sarcasm...)
Don't get me wrong, I am dead serious when I say I have every bit of support for mission work abroad. As the above Scripture points out, this is EXACTLY what we are called to do! Simply put, I'm wondering what has happened to noticing our own front yard. You see...it seems to me that while we're so busy going overseas and finding the dark corners of the earth; we manage to miss the glaring problems right outside our doors. Have we closed our eyes to our own neighbors?
Gay marriage. Divorce. Abortions. Murder. Theft. Lies. Poverty. I can't begin to write a list...it would take too long. And I'm not just talking about the big stuff either. What about the person who sits across the aisle from you in church? What do they struggle with? Maybe the man passing out the offering plate has a deep seeded anger that needs healing. Or the woman singing the special music is secretly wondering if anyone knows that she slept with the usher. Or maybe when you were driving home from church you rolled down your window and handed a $5 bill to the guy holding a sign at the stoplight. I mean hey...maybe he'll go buy a burger and not a six-pack, right?
I'm speaking to myself here, so don't think me a hypocrite. I'm as guilty as anyone else, and I'll be the first to tell you. It's time to seriously take a look at the world around us; and while we mustn't forget the souls outside our homeland...we also mustn't ignore our neighbors, our brothers in this country we call HOME.
If we are to make disciples of all nations, I want to make sure that I don't overlook the very people who share my blood, who are right here close to me. Every day as I watch the news, I shudder at the realization that the United States continue to move farther and farther away from a Christian foundation. I mean seriously...a lady marrying a BUILDING...?? (yep, it's true... http://www.komonews.com/news/local/Woman-warehouse-wed-as-some-object-reference-to-gay-marriage-138298184.html ) and while I realize this is a bizarre extreme... this is our world people!
"...teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you..." Have you noticed how little we actually do this? When do we actually talk about sin? Do we really own the Scriptures that teach us right from wrong? Or are we afraid we might "offend someone"...? I'm speaking from experience. I lived with my husband for 5 years before we got married. I KNOW what it's like to disobey. I know firsthand the areas that sin damaged our lives. I knew the truth and still chose to live in sin. But are we really willing to talk about it? What would happen if I reached out to other couples who are living together outside of marriage? What impact would I have on the youth in my life if I had the guts to dig deep into my heart and lay out bare the wounds that sin left behind? Or better yet, how God has filled those wounds; healing me and shaping me into His servant after my heart was repentant? And that's just my story. What about YOUR story? What would happen if we were truly REAL with the people around us? Could we really let go of our pride enough to look at Scripture's truths and live them out? How many people would be positively affected if we simply open our doors, step out into our "front yard" and share our lives?
Think for a moment about one story you've heard in your life about a missionary overseas who lost their life for the Gospel. I'm sure you can think of at least one. I know I for one, think about how amazing that is, how brave they are for leaving home to spread God's word...at the cost of their life. But then I stop in my tracks and ask... Would I do that? What about right here in the United States of America...? Would I stand up for my faith in Christ; even to death? Am I willing to speak out against Gay marriage and a whole host of other issues that are plaguing the political realm in this country I call home...even if it means someday I may go to jail for "discrimination"...? Am I willing to speak the TRUTH?
These are serious questions. Hard questions. But as I sit here cuddling my infant son, I'm drawn to wondering what this country will be like when he is an adult. I want to do everything in my power to make it a place he is proud to call home.
My prayer is that my life will touch those around me; that as I follow the Great Commission I don't look past the people God has placed in my life; and that I boldly share the truth of God's commandments and His great love for us!
And with that rant over...a dirty diaper calls my name! Yep, changing the world one dirty diaper at a time...! ;)
Amen, Sister!!! I'm with you on this. As one that has been in another country and then serving in our own country and state - Are we willing to be used by God wherever we are; shopping, driving, in school, etc. Our little world is our mission field.
ReplyDeletePreach it girl! lol! I totally agree with you on this. I never had the desire to go to another country to do missionary work and honestly would be very guilty if I were to leave so many hurting children here in the US behind to do that. What's sad is so many churches and christians don't even see camping ministry as a legit missionary calling. :(
ReplyDeleteWant to go into a mission field with few supporters and hundreds of sceptics? Minister to the local homeless, the local natives, or the kids in your community who are living in poverty and abused in horrible ways daily. It breaks my heart to see Christians shrinking back from the poor and needy right in their own hometown! And it angers me when they tell us to "go get a real job."